Perry:- O.P " Belives about what caused the universe"
The Rebel (A) I think for many the answer is discovered by taking a lonely walk, or sat quietly in a room for an hour. Some I believe also find the answer in prayer, " I want to feel you God". For others they look for scientific proof. What one calls fantasy you correctly say is what another chooses to " believe".
So do I ridicule what you believe? Well I have enterd the debate, I have read your discussion, and I feel I have no questions to offer. It's all questions for atheists and questions for believers, however I am an athiest. What I will say is I do admire your courage to present what I see as pure fantasy, and yet you have the conviction to ignor the scientific facts, either that are you are a delusional mad man, which I know nothing could be further from the truth. Actually you may have to live the life of Job to change your mindset. I say that because when a person trusts in what they feel, and not what they should want to know life can be beautiful. You have a lovely family Perry I wish I could say with conviction " God bless you" but I can say with conviction your a lucky man.
The Rebel.